15th September 2022: A meeting was held between Jigawa State Government and FCDO-LINKS to discuss strengthening collaboration and the support provided by FCDO-LINKS. The actualisation of Gagarawa Industrial Park and achievement of its full potential, as well as that of Maigatari Export Processing Zone were top on the agenda. Various funding options which would support infrastructure work that has already commenced in Gagarawa Industrial Park and the facilitation of optimum usage of Maigatari EPZ, were particularly considered. Partnerships regarding some livestock projects, such as that of L&Z Integrated Farms Limited, which align with Jigawa State Government’s livestock development plan were also discussed, for possible expansion.
Hosted by InvestJigawa, the FCDO-LINKS team was led by Malam Umar Muhammed Nuhu, the Deputy Team Lead, while Mallam Ado Husseini Director General, Due Process and Project Monitoring Bureau chaired the meeting. Other government officials in the meeting included Director General InvestJigawa and her team, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Land, Housing, Urban Development and Regional Planning, Coordinator Maigatari Export Processing Zone, Director Planning, Research, and Statistics, Ministry of Water Resources, Director Industry Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Cooperatives and Tourism and the Director Grazing Reserve of the Farmers and Herdsmen Board.

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